miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

How to Win Free Bitcoins Freebitcoin

FreeBitcoin is managed by the Interglobal Limited company based in Belize and has been in operation since 2013, which leads us to have great confidence in this place.

Status of the site Paying

 Category Class: Cryptocurrencies.

 The minimum Withdrawal: 30000 satoshis.

 Payment currency: Bitcoin.

 Type of Wallet Any bitcoin wallet

 Levels of referrals: a level of referrals.

 Commissions for Inviting 50% of the bitcoins that they generate and 25% of the daily interest.

Daily Interest: If you have at least 30000 satoshis in your balance, you will be paid a daily interest of 0.0109589%. The annual interest rate is 4.8%.

Approved Countries: Everyone.

Language of the site: English.

Weekly Raffle we can win great prizes.

Freebitcoin you can win many bitcoins for free easy and entertaining.

I will show you step by step.

Download the Extension in your browser language translator of google configure automatically.

1. Create an account in Freebitcoin by clicking on the image

2. On-site registration

* Mail

* A password

* Verification code by copying what is in the image.

3. Enter the site once Registered.

* Mail

* Password


Once entered the site we went to the roulette to claim our first bitcoin satoshis.

We click on the verification code in Roll and we will have the opportunity every hour until 3530269 satoshis

Multiply BTC

Another method to generate is multiplying your satoshis in the Multiply Btc section by betting in duplicate, tripling the amount of satoshis you choose if the number is greater or lesser.


This method will be inviting your people you will earn 25% interest on everything generated by your referrals.


This section can generate many satoshis up to Bitcoin with Lottery Tickets made



You can generate more satoshis by means of points of different forms you must carry out according to the instructions of the site.


You should know that the best way to earn satoshis is by inviting people to earn 50% of what they generate and 25% of the monthly interest.

Withdrawal Minimal 30,000 Bitcoin satoshis

To make the withdrawal you must have a Bitcoin wallet I will show you how you can get it.

Register in Coinpaymens click on the image



confirm your mail

Password and confirm your password

Time Zone Schedule

select I have read the terms

make the verification code and ready register.

Check your email and confirm that you are registered.

enter your account mail and password place the code of your verification email.

Once in your ditch, choose your purse in the top part of the menu

a list of purses choose bitcoin on the green button.

I choose to deposit, to receive.

choose to add new address

Save your address by copying the code to receive your bitcoin payments and manage them.

Register in AIRTM to convert your bitcoin into money by clicking on the image.

Follow the instructions according to the site to receive send deposit change to your currency, convert to other cryptocurrencies, change currencies etc follow the instructions to the letter.

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